Material:Advanced high quality PU leather.


Handbag and wallet will be delivered to customer together,one expense for two items,you can’t beat this deal!

Function:Ideal to store Iphone,Ipad,Umbrella,and many other everyday life accessories.

Usually ships in 2-3 business days via USPS,14 business days at most for delivery.

Product Features

  • An exclusive fashion on Valentine’s Day,Mother’s Day,a good present for mothers and girlfriends.
  • Let the bags completely show off your beauty,especially at this very festive season.
  • Specialty:Unique crocodile pattern design,exquisite stitchings,textrue hardwares,a buy that you really can’t miss.
  • A perfect combination of elegance and wildness,a symbol of fashion and glamour,your only queen style!
  • As bags were directly shipped from factory,so there might be some smell when customers open package,please don’t worry, this is normal phenomenon,please put them under outdoor environment and let the smell flow,it will eventually go away.