HANDBAG MICHAEL BY MICHAEL KORS, LEATHER 100%, color WHITE, Measurements 36x25x15cm, Handle 16cm, Shoulder Strap 52cm, FW19, product code 30S9LG7S3Y289
Product Features
- HANDBAG MICHAEL BY MICHAEL KORS, LEATHER 100%, color WHITE, Measurements 36x25x15cm, Handle 16cm, Shoulder Strap 52cm, FW19, product code 30S9LG7S3Y289
- FOR CLOTHING: Brand size refers to the official size of the brand. This will be the size you will find on the product’s label or box.
- FOR SHOES: You see both the brand size so the size displayed on the box and the correspondent US size to give you better clarity.
- FW19
- Express shipping with taxes and duties included + Free returns within 14 days