Since 1955, a unique Italian company L.A.P.A., located in Florence, Italy, has been synonymous with finely crafted hand-made handbags and briefcases. Natural leather used in creation of every bag has been processed with complete respect of both man and environment using only tanning extracts of vegetable origin.

Each item, created by skillful L.A.P.A. artisans, is handcrafted and sewn with very careful attention to details. Constant search for perfection, strictly established artisan methods, top quality leathers and accessories, combined with outstanding craftsmanship, make each L.A.P.A. article a unique piece of art!

Company name, L.A.P.A., represents the principles it stands for: ‘L’ for ‘lavorazione’ or workmanship, ‘A’ for ‘artigianale’ or handcrafted, ‘P’ for ‘pellame’ or leather, and ‘A’ for ‘affini’ or related leathers.

We are direct Importer of the finest L.A.P.A. products. There are no middlemen, agents, or any distributors between us and the brand owner/producer. We place our orders in person during our regular visits to Italy, and we are happy to bring you the elegance, beautiful, sleek simplicity and sophisticated styling of L.A.P.A. handbags.

L.A.P.A handbags are sold only in limited quantities in “high end” boutiques in different parts of the World. Superior quality articles, made by L.A.P.A., are generally not available in stores in the USA. We believe that ours are the lowest prices available anywhere for this unique line of products!

Product Features

  • Height 9 3/4″ (24.8cm), Width 14″ (35.6cm), Depth 3 3/4″ (9.5cm), Handle drop 7 1/2″ (19cm)
  • 2 compartments, large interior zip, cell phone pockets and 2 pen holders
  • Flap top with keylock closure. Goldtone or Silvertone metal hardware. Leather lining
  • Made in Italy. Comes with original dust bag. RETAIL PRICE: $895
  • Vegetable tanned leather.