Handbag using Gucci Sima leather which embossed the GG mark on carefully selected calf leather. The feminine atmosphere created by the rounded dome shape, the design with the leather belt on the vertical line plus the active impression. Since shoulder strap is attached, please enjoy arranging how to hold with the mood of the day.
Product Features
- ■ Size Body size: About 19 × 23 × 10 (H × W × D unit cm) Handle height: About 9 cm Shoulder strap Length: Approx 100-110 cm Adjustable in 5 stages for every 2.5 cm Removable Body weight: Approximately 450 g
- ■ Color BLACK
- ■ Material Body: Gucci Shima Leather
- ■ Specification Double zipper opening / closing / Inside: Open pocket × 1