Chanel Designer Handbags. Chanel designer purse with silver tone monogrammed hardware is a large tote bag or shoulder bag. The Chanel shoulder bag is constructed of dark blue denim fabric and has a large CC logo on the front. This handbag is ideal for an every day bag for the person who has to carry many items. It’s large enough for school, work or play. The interior of the Chanel tote bag is lined in gray twill cloth and has one large zip pocket and one lobster claw hooked strap attached to hang keys. This is a very big bag measuring about 14.5 tall x 25 inches wide. The double denim and chain straps measure about 17 inches each. The Chanel purse does not have any top closure because the bag gathers to create a closed top while carrying it. The Chanel large denim tote bag is very comfortable to carry because it is light weight and soft constructed. It hugs the body nicely. Made in Italy. This Chanel designer purse is new with tags and is the perfect choice to add to your Chanel designer handbags collection. Only one available.
Product Features
- Chanel designer purse with silver tone monogrammed hardware is a large tote bag or shoulder bag. The Chanel shoulder bag is constructed of dark blue denim fabric and has a large CC logo on the front.
- This handbag is ideal for an every day bag for the person who has to carry many items. It’s large enough for school, work or play.
- The interior of the Chanel tote bag is lined in gray twill cloth and has one large zip pocket and one lobster claw hooked strap attached to hang keys.
- This is a very big bag measuring about 14.5 tall x 25 inches wide. The double denim and chain straps measure about 17 inches each.
- The Chanel purse does not have any top closure because the bag gathers to create a closed top while carrying it. The Chanel large denim tote bag is very comfortable to carry because it is light weight and soft constructed. It hugs the body nicely. Made in Italy.