Make a fashion statement with this black satin clutch handbag made by Alexander McQueen and heavily discounted from the retail price. We take all our own photos to present you with realistic and vivid detail. Length: 4 | Width: 3 | Height: 6 | Strap Drop: 23 | Inside Pockets: 0 | Outside Pockets: 0. Studded skull closure. Chain linked Shoulder strap. Detachable shoulder strap. Item SKU: A16-1134
Product Features
- All-Authentic Brands and Hassle-Free Returns
- Materials: Metal, Satin
- Length: 4 | Width: 3 | Height: 6 | Strap Drop: 23 | Inside Pockets: 0 | Outside Pockets: 0
- Studded Skull Closure. Chain Linked Shoulder Strap. Detachable Shoulder Strap.
- Closure: Clip