I highly recommend this bucket bag. If you find its beauty contained within, you will go for it just like me. This shoulder bag is made of PU leather material which is really soft.
The quality of this handbag is superior, yet the price is very reasonable. It can put many small things, such as mobile phone, money, cards, and so on. The design of pure color with tassels makes you more elegant and generous.
I believe you will receive many compliments and find yourself focused everywhere.
It is appropriate for many outfits and situations. It is comfortable and easy to carry. And it is perfect for every season, especially for spring and summer. So why still hesitate? Choose one£¡
Product Features
- Drawstring closure.
- Ultra soft synthetic leather
- Please allow little color difference due to different camera or lightenvironment
- Little leather smell is normal.Putting it outside for few days,the smell will disappear
- Dimensions: 9.1″ x 3.9″ x 9.8″ inches