The item is design by Well-known designers,and use the regenerated leather and high-qualified hardware.
To protect our brand,ensure the quality of products you get, each product shipped by HESHE will use non-woven bags for packaging.If you received a product without non-woven bags,It might be a fake one.
HESHE believes that every purse has it’s own story,and when you buy it,it’ll become your story.HESHE will always persist in supplying good service for you,and your feedback and review is super important to us.If you like the item you get,please do write a feedback and review to the item,so more people could see it.And if you have any questions,please free free to contract us.We’ll reply you ASAP and do our best to help you.
If you want more beautiful and gorgeous purse,search HESHE in amazon,then you’ll got what you want.
Product Features
- Made of regenerated leather,crocodile pattern and chain strap made the purse fashion and never out of time.
- 8 Credit card slots with 1 photo slot,3 full length pockets with one zippered which can be used as coin change purse pouch,you can also put bills or even iPhone/4S/5S in it.The chain strap make the clutch even more fashion.
- HESHE believes that every purse has it’s own story.This wallet have 4 colors,all kind of colors are beautiful and gorgeous,you can choose any color you like,must have one color fit you most.
- To protect our brand,ensure the quality of products you get, each product shipped by HESHE will use non-woven bags for packaging.If you received a product without non-woven bags,It might be a fake one.
- Size info: (L)8.5″ x (H)1.2″ x (W)4.0″ in