The item is design by Well-known designers,and use the best cowskin and high-qualified hardware.
To protect our brand,ensure the quality of products you get, each product shipped by HESHE will use non- woven bags for packaging.If you received a product without non-woven bags,It might be a fake one.
HESHE believes that every purse has it’s own story,and when you buy it,it’ll become your story.HESHE will always persist in supplying good service for you,and your feedback and review is super important to us.If you like the item you get,please do write a feedback and review to the item,so more people could see it.And if you have any questions,please free free to contract us.We’ll reply you ASAP and do our best to help you.
Product Features
- 100% Genuine leather cowhide with high-qualified hardware parts and durable polyester peach skin lining
- 1 big inner compartment has phone/ID card/Key pocket and 1 invisible zippered pocket inside.You can take document/Ipad/A4 magazine with you.
- European and American Style.Generous and elegant.Can be taken to dating/work place/travelling.It is an awesome gift for your friends birthday,too.
- Zipper closure with long shoulder handle (7.5″ in),You can use it as a top handle bag or a single shoulder bag.
- Size info: (L)15.0″ x (H)8.7″x (W)5.5 in