We are the company that focuses on high quality (including handbags, wallets, backpacks, shoulder totes, briefcases, and much more). Our objectives are providing high quality bags at an affordable price and making all of our customers satisfied with our products. These leather totes are every bit as great as you could think they are. We make these totes from the very scratch. We choose exceptionally beautiful leather and step by step, it’s gently transformed into one of your most durable everyday accessories.
Product Features
- 100% FULL GRAIN LEATHER TOTE BAG with an Inside Canvas Pouch with Zipper
- LEATHER TOTE BAG SIZE: (LengthxHeightxWidth) 14x12x4 inches. Net weight: 1.7 LBS. Comfortable and durable flat shoulder straps with 11″ drop. The real handbag is bigger than picture look. If you are looking for a Big tote/handbag, then this is for you
- LARGE TOTE BAG – Large capacity leather tote that can hold MacBook/Laptop, books, umbrella, notes and other things you use daily. You can use it as shopper tote, business tote, work tote, teacher tote, school tote bag, daily tote.
- GENUINE LEATHER- Made of thick full grain leather. This bag is built to last for a very long time and will age well with use. Some scratch will help add this leather bag’s character
- FREE BAG CHARM – The Hand Sewn Felt Beagle Bag Charm comes free with the bag.