The “INDO” brand represents handmade genuine exotic skin handbags and accessories. All of my products are made in Indonesia, mostly Bali and Java islands but they are ready to ship to our customers from our New Jersey showroom. This simple and elegant clutch/evening handbag is made of high quality python skin. This skin will lead you into remarkable world of leather. Once you feel the softness of this bag, you will be addictive. Use this bag for day and night because this style will be around forever. Jacquard lining in used which is stain and water resistant. Dust bag and care instruction are also included. Three interior pockets 1 main compartment, 1 zipper and 1 phone pocket I am licensed by the U.S. Government to import exotic skins and handbags. All INDO bags are legally sourced and imported under C.I.T.E.S. guidelines. (CITES is an international organization that oversees trade of flora and fauna.) INDO bags are mostly made from reticulated pythons, which are plentiful on many Indonesian Islands, and acquired by ethical and sustainable means. Most of our bags are one of a kind! Colors are beautiful! Turquoise and Gold!
Product Features
- Evening bag, Clutch, Formal Bag